Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


In life there are three keys that make a person always successful. Three keys are the URLs of each one as an angle in an equilateral triangle is called the "Triangle of Life Success." In some conditions it will protrude toward one side, but then would immediately return the same side with side action or other angles as a counterweight. In the event of an incident, whether positive or negative event, a triangular shape will be changed irregular. But not for a while will be back to normal because there is a single point of control pedestal.

Triangle success are:
A. Key One: assume good faith
Whatever happens to us good or bad, then that is best for us by Him. It is not easy to accept everything that happens is best for us because of the limited ability of human beings. All because people do not know that behind all the events that befall him. Sometimes people think is best for him is anything that is profitable for him alone. While the form of disaster is a bad thing for him.

B. Key Two: Gratitude
Once the principle that what happened to him is the best in God's eyes for him, so if he gets the pleasure she should be grateful. By always grateful, life would be more enjoyable. With utter gratitude and then take advantage of the grace that has been accepted that in ridhai street, then life would be balanced.

C. Key Three: Patience
When disaster struck us repeatedly, then we must be patient and accept it as the best thing for us.

The three keys to form a triangle with each of the key as the corners or edges. The first key assume good faith on the top, while there is gratitude and patience on the two other corners at the bottom.

Apparently there is gratitude in the patient and the patient there is gratitude. And each event we always return to God's goodness to ourselves. Everything is the best. Accidents and grace all come from God for our good. There are unfortunate patient, there is grace grateful. In the patient and grateful, certainly to do with charity he was working on. Triangle success of this life will function correctly if the charity is doing good deeds.

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