Kamis, 19 Mei 2011


In essence in living life in this mortal world that humans can not be separated from the two events that befall him, the success and failure. Hearing the success of all people would imagine a successful and fulfilling all the wishes you want to accomplish. Hearing the words fail, of course everyone would imagine a very uncomfortable situation because of the unfulfilled desire we want to accomplish. In the business world, these two words is an objective and risks will always confront us. If not successfully achieve the desire, we certainly will be confronted with a failure. 
The best attitude looked a success is to look at the sequence and the way how to achieve it. Why people can be successful? Because they do the right thing. Promotion, financial arrangements, a great team, a good product is a unity that is called doing the right thing. 

Similarly, the best attitude of looking at a failure to see the order that caused them to fail. Why could they fail? Because they do the wrong thing. Promotions that are less, the financial arrangements that unorganized, chaotic team, a bad product is a unity that is called doing the wrong thing. 

There are many ways of addressing the successes and failures, through addressing these usually depend on experience, one's understanding of religion and belief, and the environment (family, residence, relatives, friends or relations, etc.) 

In addressing the failure, there is fatalism, the resignation of 100%. Usually these properties if a failure saying "Ah well, it's been my fate". These people say that with full submission without an evaluation and correction of the actions that have been past. Some are blaming fate by saying, "Why yes, and I have been working on it with a vengeance to the point of sacrificing family time why the results are not like that I targeting?" 

Others also in addressing the successes, there is with pride saying, "Ah this is the result of my struggle, because I was the project a success". We forget that with God's help we can achieve success.

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